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The Ferrara Group traces its origins from the middle of the last century, with the start of the exercise of  the Lentini quarry in 1950, and the whose license, according the existing rules, has recently been extended until 14 December 2024.
The management of quarries for production of inert materials has always been the core business of the Group and the continuous specialization and research of innovative solutions places the “Granulati Basaltici” Ltd company. among business leaders at national level for their potential fields [over 75 million m3 of basalt rock of excellent homogeneity and compactness] that capacity [over 10,000 tons. Daily], and also for the quality of its products that allowed the company to become the leading supplier of ballast in Center and south Italy for Central  for RFI (Italian Railway Network).
“Granulati Basaltici” Ltd company is based in Catania, in Italia Avenue 213, and through his legal representative, Mr. Joseph Ferrara, operates the basalt quarry No. 160/Ap called "Carmito – Granulati Basaltici" located in Contrada Carmito, in the municipality of Lentini (SR ), an in which is installed a production facility consisting of three plants for crushing and selection of aggregates in different grain sizes of use, three plants for asphalt production, a plant for the production of modified bitumen, a plant for the production of bitumen emulsion, a plant for production of cement conglomerate and mixed concrete.


The continued growth “Granulati Basaltici” Ltd company and its ability to reinvest its earnings for increasing competitiveness in the regional and national market, has allowed the property to invest in the absolute majority of shares of the Keleuta Ltd. company, which operates a limestone quarry in the province of Messina, using a crushing plant with high production capacity and an efficient mix asphalt plant, in order to complete its commercial presence throughout the market of Central and Eastern Sicily.
The successes achieved by Ferrara Group in the production of materials for roads and airports construction, have allowed the further expansion of their own business in the field of infrastructure construction with the acquisition of the totality of the General Infrastructure Construction Ltd. which is highly specialized in these specialties, boasting the highest authorization under the Italian system for the building of unlimited amount works, and being able to offer the highest standards of quality and both technical and financial references.

Only recently, the Ferrara Group also has launched a first experimentation in the private building sector, providing Novaedilia Immobiliare Srl company, which has already in an advanced stage of implementing a development plan consists of 10 villas, 400 square meters  each and with high quality standards.